Lorraine Needham
areas of expertise
Co-Active Coaching is a proven framework for transformative conversations at work and in life. Coaching empowers individuals to bring their best selves to their life and their work. Organizations have found coaching increases engagement, individual performance and helps identify, and develop high potential employees. Coaching successful leaders to become even better creates a far-reaching "ripple effect " from the original investment. Leaders change lives of everyone they interact with.
mental fitness coach
Mental Fitness is about your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. As part of my coaching practice I have incorporated Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence Inc program into my Reset, Refocus and Realign program for leaders who are ready to make a positive impact on their performance and well-being.
At times I take the Coach hat off and wear the mentor hat to share experience and knowledge when asked. I have a passion for helping professional women find their voice, explore their confidence, and activate their higher potential giving each client a strategic partner on their career-life path.
leadership consulting
Throughout my career, I've led and facilitated Strategic Business Planning and team-building exercise across operational, maintenance, and business support teams responsible for multi-million dollar plans. Today I partner with my clients on creating dynamic experiences to develop plans and build teams that provide a positive ROI.
my approach
Every coaching relationship begins with a discovery session that allows my client and myself focused time and space to:
Establish trust, confidence, and credibility in the coaching relationship
Clarify logistical details
Build a strong consciously designed alliance
Establish and or fine-tune the client's goals and means of measuring progress toward the achievement of those goals.
Get to know one another better.
Ultimately the discovery session design the alliance of how we will work together with regard to requests or challenges I may make, accountability structures, speaking "hard truths" and seeking permission to "push" and "push back".
Biweekly coaching sessions delve into an area of coaching that has
been identified or new areas are raised by the client. People come
into coaching for different reasons but one common denominator is they are seeking change, ready to move from where they are at work or in life in general. These sessions are a minimum of a three-month commitment and often six months to a one-year commitment.
The relationship ends with a completion session which formalizes the end of the coaching relationship and a celebration of the coaching journey.